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We are deeply humbled and grateful for the thoughtful generosity of our members. Each contribution is a valued investment in the Congregation Beth El community. Our members show their love of family and community by donating in honor, in memory, in celebration, and in appreciation.

Donations are vital to Congregation Beth El's commitment to provide a full range of programs and services to create a thriving Jewish community. Members and non-members make contributions throughout the year to Beth El activities or funds as a way of saying “thank you,” memorializing someone, acknowledging a special honor, and more.

Available funds include:

Ba'al Tefillah Discretionay Fund
Supporting music education in our community.
BEIT/Adult Jewish Learning Fund

Supporting adult Jewish learning programs in our community.

Beth El Endowment Fund – Supporting existing programming while investing in Beth El’s future.

Campus Security Fund 
Helping to fund the costs of keeping us safe on campus.

Daily Minyan Fund – Bringing worshippers together each morning in prayer, friendship, and comfort.

General Fund Donation – Supporting the breadth of Beth El and our mission to be a home for every Jewish soul.

Hesed Fund – Helping and supporting our Beth El family throughout the lifecycle, including new babies, illness, and recovery.

Holocaust Memorial Fund
For the upkeep and maintenance of our Shoah Memorial and Holocaust Memorial programs.

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Jewish Camp Travel Fund – Enabling our youth to attend Jewish sleep-away camp or travel to Israel.

Men’s Club Fund – Promoting friendship and support among the men of Beth El.

Rabbi Libman’s Discretionary Fund – Supporting humanitarian and programmatic needs in our community.

Rabbi Shulman’s Discretionary Fund – Supporting humanitarian and programmatic needs in our community.

Ritual Fund –  To acquire books and ritual objects to enhance prayer and spirituality.

Tikkun Olam/Social Action Fund – Connecting Beth El to the broader community through service and support of people in need.

VTS Education and Curriculum Fund – Educating the next generation and supporting innovation in Jewish education.

Women’s Connection Fund – Connecting women of all ages through programs, spirit, and sisterhood, and supporting Beth El’s educational and other programs.

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Additional programs and designations are:

Chai 20s and 30s – Providing a spiritual home for young adults, helping them create spiritual connections and establish a sense of belonging in the Jewish community.

Israel Committee – Engaging members and inspiring a connection with Israel through advocacy and education.

Kol Nidre – Making a meaningful contribution according to our tradition.

Memorial and Yarzheit – Honoring loved ones by contributing in their name.

USY Scholarships – Enabling our youth to attend kinnusim and youth events.

Youth Department Donations
Supporting programs and activities for our Beth El youth and teens.

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Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785