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Genizah Dedication

Sunday, March 23, 2025 23 Adar 5785

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Genizah Dedication
Sunday, March 23
10:30 AM
Since the earliest days of Jewish community, sacred texts and documents that contain the name of God are set aside for respectful burial. The place into which these pages, books, and ritual scrolls are placed is called a Genizah. The word Genizah means “hidden” or “put away.”
Please join us in celebration when we will dedicate a new Genizah on our property. This Genizah is the gift of Joshua Licht, a High School Senior who designed and built this Genizah with the help of his Boy Scout Troop as his Eagle Scout project. We are grateful to Josh, his troopmates, generous donors, and Nick Akers for supporting our synagogue community with this gift of a sacred space for our texts.
In Jewish tradition, sanctity attaches to pages and books containing God’s name. They represent our beliefs and values. Books are sacred to us as religious and educational texts which is why we treat them with reverence. When possible, a synagogue establishes a Genizah on its property for the proper burial of these sacred texts and documents.
When our beautiful Stone Family Sanctuary was built on our Congregation Beth El campus, the large empty space of dirt underneath the sanctuary floor was made into a Genizah. The builders lowered boxes and boxes of prayer books and humashim into the ground before the floor was put in. That space is now closed off. However, when sitting in the sanctuary be aware that sacred history is beneath you.
Join us on March 23rd at 10:30 a.m.
as we dedicate our second Genizah,
located on the slope above the entrance road near the Gilman gate.
Please register below. 


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Mon, March 17 2025 17 Adar 5785